How NOT to write an ebook
I believe in the power of negative thinking. If you’d like a firmer grip on what you SHOULD do when you create an ebook, you may want to consider a few things you SHOULD NOT do. (Besides, it’s nice to be naughty.)
I believe in the power of negative thinking. If you’d like a firmer grip on what you SHOULD do when you create an ebook, you may want to consider a few things you SHOULD NOT do. (Besides, it’s nice to be naughty.)
Do you know the 9 reasons to do content marketing? Or how to pick the right issues? Or how to generate great content? Velocity Partners knows and is willing to share…
Danny Kaye was one of the most accomplished overall entertainers of his, or any, time. Yet when he approached his English debut, he didn’t rely on talent or experience alone.
This is what he did…
Too often, marketing professionals have to take it on the chin from colleagues in IT, HR, finance and sales. Now it’s our turn to bite back, er, fight back.
I was recently invited by Ambal Balakrishnan to become a regular contributor to a new blog on content, ClickIdeas.
Obviously, I’m very excited about the opportunity. But as I advise my clients, it’s important to step back and reflect: What happened and why?
In this case, landing the gig involved a combination of social media, traditional networking and content development that merits reflection. Here’s what happened:
Okay, this one is rich. I just received my credit card statement from my provider. Inside, there’s this helpful message from the good, caring people at the bank: “Reduce clutter and save trees — switch to Paperless Statements!”
The punch line?
Few things are more social than bread — the breaking of it, the sharing of it. In a gentle respite from social media, Mamadou’s Bread is a brief, affectionate look at one man’s gift for making bread worth getting excited about.
Jonathan casts an eye — a private eye — on some of the thought-provoking retail signs in and around his neck of the woods. Fun, but probably not appropriate for the whole family.
John Fox of has posted an intriguing summary of a July 2009 Tech Target Media Consumption Report.
Here’s the thing that presses my buttons: In the “awareness” stage of the purchasing process, the top 5 online marketing tools are: