No “bull”: Today’s New York Times features an article (featuring Picasso’s bulls) on the front page about Apple’s little-known in-house education program.
Like so many things Apple-related, the program is secretive, the details murky. Apple refused to respond the reporter’s inquiries; to get the story, the Times interviewed three employees who spoke on condition of anonymity. But here’s what we do know:
- Apple believes its culture is important enough to invest in an education plan that inculcates it.
- Courses cover pragmatic management issues as well as larger design and communications ideals.
- To teach these courses, Apple attracts talent from many of the America’s most prestigious schools, such as Harvard, Yale, Stanford and M.I.T.
- The toilet paper is “really nice.”
Maybe you cannot afford to design and sustain an entire in-house university. But you can get in-house marketing and content creation training from me. And, just like Apple, you’d get talent who has taught these skills at Harvard.